Welcome to the pistons gallery.
- 1906 Fiat Corsa driven by Bill Sykes
- 1913 Peugeot Grand Prix driven by Clive Press
- 1913 Nazzaro Tipo 3 driven by David Biggins
- 1910 Straker Squire driven by Robin Hanauer
- Nazzaro rests at Petralia Soprana
- Peugeot with film crew
- Francesco & Alain discuss the evening party with the inhabitants of the village
- PASSION………..
- The love of Sicily
- All alone at the end of the evening
- Stunning Sicilian scenery in Spring
- Shady retreat on location
- 1898 de Dion Tricycle driven by Nick Pellett
- The Mercedes Running Gear
- Open road for Clive’s Peugeot 130 mph possible!
- Cefalu stop for lunch
- Brenda guards the Merc.
- Alain instructs the lady drives on the art of double de-clutching
- 1913 Daimler Mercedes Rennwagen driven by George Pitt
- Most roads in Sicily outside Palermo are empty, made for racing cars
- Collesano narrow streets
We took 5 period cars to make the Trailer including the 1898 DeDion which was Vincenzo’s first car.
The Fiat and Nazzaro are both sister cars to the winning cars in 1907 and 1913. The original winning cars are lost.
The 1910 Straker Squire is a Brooklands Racer but the original engine was missing.
The 1913 Peugeot is a genuine chassis with a 10 liter Hall Scott aero engine.
The Daimler Mercedes Rennwagen (the Germans did not like the french Grand Prix term) is a recreation of the Lautenslager car entered for the 1913 Le Mans event. It is based on original mechanical components including the correct 29/95 six cylinder aero engine developed for WW1 . A rule change by the french (as always) reduced capacity in the 1914 grand Prix to 4.5 litres. The Mercedes team responded by converting the 6 cylinder 28/95 engine to 4 cylinders and entered 3 cars which beat the French car of Baillot. There was no applause!The Kaiser declared war 2 weeks later….
- 1906 Fiat Corsa driven by Bill Sykes
- 1913 Peugeot Grand Prix driven by Clive Press
- 1913 Nazzaro Tipo 3 driven by David Biggins
- 1910 Straker Squire driven by Robin Hanauer
- Nazzaro rests at Petralia Soprana
- Peugeot with film crew
- Francesco & Alain discuss the evening party with the inhabitants of the village
- PASSION………..
- The love of Sicily
- All alone at the end of the evening
- Stunning Sicilian scenery in Spring
- Shady retreat on location
- 1898 de Dion Tricycle driven by Nick Pellett
- The Mercedes Running Gear
- Open road for Clive’s Peugeot 130 mph possible!
- Cefalu stop for lunch
- Brenda guards the Merc.
- Alain instructs the lady drives on the art of double de-clutching
- 1913 Daimler Mercedes Rennwagen driven by George Pitt
- Most roads in Sicily outside Palermo are empty, made for racing cars
- Collesano narrow streets